September 1, 2011

Thumbs up

...for school! It all starts today, everybody is very happy about it!!!
But this also means the end of a long fantastic summer and the beginning of routines. The big vacation is over and reality sets in. We welcome it.

This blog was meant to be a picture blog for family and friends, so you all could be a part of our first months here at the island. I´m surprised and overwhelmed by it´s interest. I´m happy you came to visit my blog but now it´s time to move on.

Thank you for your company.

August 29, 2011


On our way to school. Today it was open house for all the new kids and parents and later this week it will be the big kick off!

We went for icecream at the beach after school.

Good neighbours


We have such great neighbours, Pelle and Mariette!